Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a polymer polymerized by vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) in peroxide, azo compound and other initiators or according to the free radical polymerization mechanism under the action of light and heat. Vinil xlorid gomopolimeri va vinilxlorid kopolimeri birgalikda vinilxlorid qatroni deb ataladi. PVX dunyodagi eng katta umumiy maqsadli plastmassa bo'lib, keng qo'llaniladi. It is widely used in building materials, industrial products, daily necessities, floor leather, floor tiles, artificial leather, pipes, wires and cables, packaging film, bottles, foaming materials, sealing materials, fibers and so on. Turli dastur doirasiga ko'ra, PVXni ikkiga bo'lish mumkin: PVX rezin, yuqori daraja pvc yuqori darajadagi polimeratsiya qilish puc rezin va ...