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  • On June 29, at the ESG global leaders summit, Ge Yue, managing director of Apple Greater China, delivered a speech saying that Apple has achieved carbon neutrality in its own operating emissions, and promised to achieve carbon neutrality in the whole product life cycle by 2030. Ge Yue shuningdek, Apple barcha plastik qadoqlashni 2025 ga olib tashlashni maqsad qilib qo'ydi. IPhone 13-da, plastik qadoqlash qismlari endi plastik qadoqlash qismlaridan foydalanilmaydi. In addition, the screen protector in the packaging is also made of recycled fiber. Apple has kept the mission of environmental protection in mind and taken the initiative to assume social responsibility over the years. Since 2020, chargers and earphones have been officially cancelled, mainly involving all iPhone series officially sold by apple, reducing the problem ...
  • Weekly social inventory accumulated slightly. Bozor yangiliklariga ko'ra, Petkim Turkiyada, 157000 t / bir PVX zavod parkida joylashgan

    Weekly social inventory accumulated slightly. Bozor yangiliklariga ko'ra, Petkim Turkiyada, 157000 t / bir PVX zavod parkida joylashgan

    PVC main contract fell yesterday. V09 shartnomaning ochilishi 7200, yopilish narxi 6996 yil edi, eng past narx 7217, eng past narx esa 3,64% ni tashkil etdi. Lavozim 586100 qo'lni tashkil etdi va lavozim 25100 qo'lga oshirildi. Buning asoslari saqlanib qoladi va Sharqiy Xitoyning 5-turidagi PVX - V09 + 80 ~ 140. Spot-iqtibosining diqqat markazida, 180-200 yon / tonna va etilen usuli 0-50 Yuan / tonnagacha pasaygan karbid usuli. Hozirgi kunda Sharqiy Xitoyning asosiy portining bitim narxi 7120 yuan / tonna. Yesterday, the overall transaction market was normal and weak, with traders' transactions 19.56% lower than the daily average volume and 6.45% weaker month on month. Weekly social inventory increased sligh...
  • 8 iyun kuni soat 12:45 da neft-kimyo podshohi podshohi podshohi oqadi va kimyoviy bo'linma oqadi, bu etilen sho'rva birligining oraliq idishi yong'inga olib keladi. The leaders of Maoming municipal government, emergency, fire protection and high tech Zone departments and Maoming Petrochemical Company have arrived at the scene for disposal. At present, the fire has been under control. Bu xato 2 # yoritgichni o'z ichiga olgani tushuniladi. Hozirda 250000 t / a 2 # ldpe birligi yopildi va ishga tushirish vaqti aniqlanadi. Polyethylene grades: 2426h, 2426k, 2520d, etc. Temporary shutdown of 2# polypropylene unit of 300000 tons / year and 3# polypropylene unit of 200000 tons / year. Polipropilen bilan bog'liq markalar: ht9025nx, f4908, K8003, K7227 ...
  • According to icis It is observed that market participants often lack sufficient collection and sorting capacity to meet their ambitious sustainable development goals, which is particularly prominent in the packaging industry, which is also the biggest bottleneck faced by polymer recycling. At present, the sources of raw materials and waste packages of three major recycled polymers, recycled PET (RPET), recycled polyethylene (R-PE) and recycled polypropylene (r-pp), are limited to a certain extent. Energiya va transport xarajatlariga qo'shimcha ravishda, chiqindi paketlarning etishmasligi va yuqori narxi Evropada qayta tiklanadigan poliolefinlar qiymatini qo'zg'atdi, natijada yangi polimulefin materiallari va qayta tiklanadigan poliolefinlar narxi orasidagi tobora jiddiy ravishda uzilishi. .
  • Pollaktik kislota cho'llashish nazorati ostida ajoyib natijalarga erishdi!

    Pollaktik kislota cho'llashish nazorati ostida ajoyib natijalarga erishdi!

    In chaogewenduer Town, wulatehou banner, Bayannaoer City, Inner Mongolia, aiming at the problems of serious wind erosion of the exposed wound surface of the degraded grassland, barren soil and slow plant recovery, researchers have developed a rapid recovery technology of degraded vegetation induced by microbial organic mixture. This technology uses nitrogen fixing bacteria, cellulose decomposing microorganisms and straw fermentation to produce organic mixture, Spraying the mixture in the vegetation restoration area to induce the formation of soil crust can make the sand fixing plant species of the exposed wound of the degraded grassland settle down, so as to realize the rapid repair of the degraded ecosystem. Ushbu yangi texnologiya milliy asosiy tadqiqot va ishlab chiqishdan kelib chiqadi ...
  • Dekabr oyida amalga oshirildi! Canada issues the strongest “plastic ban” regulation!

    Dekabr oyida amalga oshirildi! Canada issues the strongest “plastic ban” regulation!

    Steven Guilbeault, the Federal Minister of environment and climate change, and Jean Yves Duclos, the Minister of health, jointly announced that the plastics targeted by the plastic ban include shopping bags, tableware, catering containers, ring portable packaging, mixing rods and most straws . From the end of 2022, Canada officially banned companies from importing or producing plastic bags and takeout boxes; 2023 yil oxirida ushbu plastik mahsulotlar endi Xitoyda sotilmaydi; 2025 yil oxiriga kelib, uni nafaqat ishlab chiqarilmaydi yoki import qilinmaydi, balki Kanadadagi barcha ushbu plastik mahsulotlar boshqa joylarga eksport qilinmaydi! Canada's goal is to achieve “Zero plastic entering landfills, beaches, rivers, wetlands and forests” by 2030, so that plastic can disappear from ...
  • Sintetik qatronlar: PE uchun talab pasayadi va PPga talab tobora o'sib bormoqda

    Sintetik qatronlar: PE uchun talab pasayadi va PPga talab tobora o'sib bormoqda

    2021 yilda ishlab chiqarish quvvati yiliga 28,36 million tonnaga 28,36 million tonnaga ko'payadi; The output increased by 16.3% year-on-year to 23.287 million tons; Due to the large number of new units put into operation, the unit operating rate decreased by 3.2% to 82.1%; The supply gap decreased by 23% year-on-year to 14.08 million tons. It is estimated that in 2022, China's PE production capacity will increase by 4.05 million tons / year to 32.41 million tons / year, an increase of 14.3%. Limited by the impact of plastic order, the growth rate of domestic PE demand will decline. In the next few years, there will still be a large number of new proposed projects, facing the pressure of structural surplus. In 2021, the production capacity will increase by 11.6% to 32.16 million tons / year; T...
  • Chemdo guruhi birgalikda quvnoq ovqatlandi!

    Chemdo guruhi birgalikda quvnoq ovqatlandi!

    Kecha Chemdoning barcha xodimlari tashqarida birga tushlik qilishdi. Faoliyat davomida biz "Men aytishim mumkin bo'lgandan ko'ra ko'proq" deb nomlangan taxminiy karta o'yinini o'ynadik. Ushbu o'yin "Biror narsa qilmaslik muammosi" deb ham ataladi. Bu atama nazarda tutganidek, siz kartada talab qilingan ko'rsatmalarni bajara olmaysiz, aks holda siz tashqarida bo'lasiz. O'yin qoidalari murakkab emas, lekin siz o'yinning tubiga kirganingizdan so'ng Yangi Dunyoni topasiz, bu o'yinchilarning donoligi va tezkor reaktsiyalarining ajoyib sinovidir. Biz miyamizni boshqalarga ko'rsatmalarni iloji boricha tabiiy ravishda bajarishga yo'naltirishimiz kerak va har doim boshqalarning tuzoqlari va nayzalari o'zimizga qaratayotganiga e'tibor berishimiz kerak. Biz o'ylash jarayonida boshimizdagi karta tarkibini taxminan taxmin qilishga harakat qilishimiz kerak ...
  • Birinchi chorakda Xitoyning PP eksport hajmi keskin pasaydi!

    Birinchi chorakda Xitoyning PP eksport hajmi keskin pasaydi!

    According to the data of the State Customs, the total export volume of polypropylene in China in the first quarter of 2022 was 268700 tons, a decrease of about 10.30% compared with the fourth quarter of last year, and a decrease of about 21.62% compared O'tgan yilning birinchi choragida o'tgan yilning shu davriga nisbatan keskin pasayish. Birinchi chorakda eksportning umumiy hajmi 407 million AQSh dollarini tashkil etdi va o'rtacha eksportning o'rtacha narxi 1514,41 / t, oyiga kamida 49,03 / t kamaygan. O'tgan yilning birinchi choragida AQShning birinchi choragida 1000-1600 AQSh dollari miqdorida qolgan eksport narxlari oralig'i AQSh va Evropada polipropilen ta'minotni kuchaytirishga olib keldi. Xorijda talab qilinadigan ehtiyoj sezilarli bo'ldi, natijasi ...
  • Chemdo guruhining "trafik" bo'yicha yig'ilishi

    Chemdo guruhining "trafik" bo'yicha yig'ilishi

    Chemdo guruhi 2022 yil iyun oyi oxirida "trafikni kengaytirish" bo'yicha jamoaviy yig'ilish o'tkazdi. Yig'ilishda bosh menejer birinchi navbatda jamoaga "ikki asosiy yo'nalish" yo'nalishini ko'rsatdi: birinchisi "Mahsulot liniyasi" va ikkinchisi "Tarkib" Chiziq”. Birinchisi, asosan, uchta bosqichga bo'linadi: mahsulotlarni loyihalash, ishlab chiqarish va sotish, ikkinchisi esa asosan uch bosqichga bo'linadi: kontentni loyihalash, yaratish va nashr etish. Keyin bosh menejer ikkinchi “Kontent liniyasi” boʻyicha korxonaning yangi strategik maqsadlarini yoʻlga qoʻydi va yangi media-guruhning rasmiy tashkil etilishini eʼlon qildi. Guruh rahbari har bir guruh a'zosini o'z vazifalarini bajarishga, fikr-mulohazalarini o'rtaga tashlashga va doimiy ravishda kirishga va ular bilan muhokama qilishga majbur qildi ...
  • On June 28, the epidemic prevention and control policy slowed down, the pessimism about the market last week significantly improved, the commodity market generally rebounded, and the spot prices in all parts of the country improved. Narx ko'tarilishi bilan, narxlar asta-sekin pasayib, bitimlarning aksariyati zudlik bilan bitimlardir. Ba'zi bir operatsiyalar kechagidan yaxshiroq edi, ammo yuklarni yuqori narxlarda sotish qiyin edi va bitimning umumiy faoliyati tekis edi. In terms of fundamentals, the improvement on the demand side is weak. At present, the peak season has passed and there is a large area of rainfall, and the demand fulfillment is less than expected. Especially under the understanding of the supply side, the inventory is still freque...