Steven Guilbeault, the Federal Minister of environment and climate change, and Jean Yves Duclos, the Minister of health, jointly announced that the plastics targeted by the plastic ban include shopping bags, tableware, catering containers, ring portable packaging, mixing rods and most straws . From the end of 2022, Canada officially banned companies from importing or producing plastic bags and takeout boxes; 2023 yil oxirida ushbu plastik mahsulotlar endi Xitoyda sotilmaydi; 2025 yil oxiriga kelib, uni nafaqat ishlab chiqarilmaydi yoki import qilinmaydi, balki Kanadadagi barcha ushbu plastik mahsulotlar boshqa joylarga eksport qilinmaydi! Canada's goal is to achieve “Zero plastic entering landfills, beaches, rivers, wetlands and forests” by 2030, so that plastic can disappear from ...